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Research Misconduct

RSCW Misconduct Policy

Any individual who engages in an act or acts of RSCW Misconduct while engaged in University Sponsored Research shall be subject to discipline in accordance with University Regulations 3-8-102. Allegations of Research Misconduct will be reported to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) by any individual with knowledge of observed, suspected, or apparent violation(s) of UR 3-8-102.  Upon receiving an allegation of RSCW Misconduct, the RIO will assess the allegation to determine whether it is sufficiently credible and specific so that potential evidence of Research Misconduct may be identified. An inquiry must be conducted if these criteria are met.

What is Research Misconduct?

Research Misconduct is defined in University Regulations 3-8-102 as actions that constitute: 

(1) willful, negligent or reckless practice in proposing, reviewing, or conducting RSCW, or in reporting or presenting the results of such RSCW, including without limitation, falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism; or misrepresentation or falsification of research credentials, sponsorships, approvals or certifications;

(2) material violation of applicable laws, regulations or procedures;

(3) material violation of applicable ethical or professional standards of the Academic Researcher’s discipline or profession or of the teaching profession or, in the case of students, the discipline or profession relevant to the research effort and/or in which the student is pursuing educational credentials;

(4) willful, grossly negligent or reckless misappropriation or misapplication of research funds (excepting minor deviations in research fund accounting which results in no personal gain or benefit to the Academic Researcher); or (5) an undisclosed conflict of interest.

Who Should Report Research Misconduct?

Allegations of Research Misconduct will be reported to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) by any individual with knowledge of observed, suspected, or apparent violation(s).

Who To Contact?

Jeri-Anne Lyons, PhD
Associate Vice President of Research & Dean of the Graduate School

(970) 351-3616